Welcome to Srujana

Discover therapeutic, tranquility and creativity with Mindful Mandalas. Dive into the ancient art of creating intricate mandalas that inspire mindfulness and harmony. Our collection of mandala designs offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

The process is thoughtfully curated to guide you through the meditative process of mandala creation, allowing you to unleash your artistic expression and find inner peace. Join us on this journey to cultivate mindfulness and relaxation through the beauty of mandalas.

Mandalas - What is it?

Mandalas are intricate geometric designs with a circular pattern that carry deep cultural and spiritual significance in many traditions globally. This ancient art form has roots in different civilizations, including Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism, Native American cultures, and more.

The term "mandala" originates from Sanskrit, meaning "circle". These designs are often meticulously crafted with symmetrical shapes and vibrant colors, symbolizing unity, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Historically, mandalas have been used as a tool for meditation and concentration. By gazing at the intricate details and following the patterns, individuals can enter a state of mindfulness and focus, promoting inner peace and spiritual well-being.

In various spiritual practices, mandalas are believed to represent the journey towards enlightenment, with the center of the mandala symbolizing the divine essence or the self. Creating or observing mandalas is thought to aid in self-discovery, healing, and achieving a sense of balance and wholeness.

Today, mandalas continue to captivate people worldwide with their beauty and profound symbolism. Whether used in art therapy, spiritual rituals, or simply appreciated for their aesthetic value, mandalas remain a timeless symbol.

Join us to learn this art form and practice it to achieve healing, self discovery and a sense of balance.